Full Sail Partners Blog

Summary of Human Capital Management in 40th Annual Deltek AE Clarity Report

Written by Jennifer Renfroe | December 04, 2019

Summary of Human Capital Management in 40th Annual Deltek AE Clarity Report

The results of the 40th Annual Deltek AE Clarity Report regarding Human Capital Management (HCM) indicate similar trends from the past few years. There continues to be a tight labor market, and firms still struggle with finding qualified candidates. With the talent that they do hire, firms are working to engage their employees especially by offering better career development which ensures retention. Let’s take a look at some of the key findings regarding HCM.

Talent Acquisition Challenges

The top three challenges firms are dealing with regarding talent acquisition are the availability of good candidates in the marketplace, the ability to offer competitive compensation and matching qualified candidates to open positions. Continuously nurturing qualified talent is must in this competitive talent pool. Firms must also take a hard look at their compensation plan to ensure they can recruit the desired staff to fill open positions. Utilizing a talent management software such as Deltek Talent Management will help with these talent acquisition needs.

Issues Regarding Managing Talent

Succession planning, employee engagement and performance management seem to be the primary concerns for firms regarding managing talent. Unfortunately, the report showed that only 45% of participating firms in the survey had succession plans in place. Lower on the priority list for firms were learning and development and recognition. Both of these actually go a long way towards improving employee engagement and should be looked at more closely. Therefore, it is wise to keep in mind that performance management is easily trackable using a talent management software.

Developing Talent

It is clear from the study that firms are in fact encouraging the development of talent that they are able to recruit. 75% of firms reported that coaching and mentoring are used to develop their talent with 54% using external education programs. 80% of firms prioritize professional licenses with 77% making conference attendance a focus. With the addition of 76% endorsing professional certifications and 72% offering continuing education reimbursement, the results show that firms are interested in investing in their talent which is always a plus!

Human Capital Should be Smartly Managed

Having the best talent in place now and a plan for the future is the secret to success for any firm especially project-based firms. With the constant flux in project management, talent needs to be qualified, available and engaged. Additionally, learning and development is crucial to not only keep employees retained but to ensure that projects are run as efficiently as possible. For a more detailed look at the HCM results from the 40th Annual Report available in the link below.