Full Sail Partners Blog

Conference Planning 101: Leveraging Marketing Campaigns in CRM

Conference PlanningEvery year in your conference planning meetings you agree to come away from the upcoming conference with concise, actionable intelligence. Instead, every year you come away with nothing but a big stack of business cards, and maybe some new LinkedIn connections. In this blog we are going to review how setting up a CRM marketing campaign can help you come away from your event with clearly defined goals and actions.

You can’t track a marketing campaign unless you create it. You can’t start tracking your marketing efforts until you start. Often we overlook tracking information from conferences and tradeshows because of how much time these events are already taking out of our hectic schedules. If you have already made the decision to attend, you need to get both feet wet. There is no way to justify not taking the time out of your day to create a detailed marketing campaign in your CRM.

Include as much detail as possible in this marketing campaign. Event location, registration dates, everything! This marketing campaign will become your holy grail for all things related to this conference. By doing so you create a centralized location where your entire firm knows to look for information related to this event – and heck, you probably save a few trees in the process.

Use your CRM system as a grocery list! We all know how hectic things can become before leaving for a conference or tradeshow. Nothing is worse than spending the night before the conference starts in a Kinkos trying to produce some brochures because you forgot to prepare them beforehand. Track important items through your CRM system and start your conference off right by showing up with everything you need!

The beauty of tracking your marketing tasks via your CRM software is that you can use a mobile solution such as Vision Unleashed to access your database, and update tasks as you go.

Track who you know will be there, and who you met! The whole point of going to these things is to make contacts, right? What good does a pocket full of business cards do if you fail to create actionable intelligence from the contact? Provide your entire company with visibility in to these contacts and track this information in your CRM.

Before the event, track those clients that you have verified will be in attendance. The name of the game is conference planning, right? So don’t be afraid to do a little planning! Be aggressive and proactive schedule some quick meet-ups with your clients. Grab a cup of coffee or invite them to lunch. By tracking this activity in CRM solution you are able to ensure that you are reaching out to as many clients as possible.

After the event, make sure to get all of your new contacts uploaded in to your system. Hopefully you talked you went beyond the typical conference small talk and discussed business opportunities with these soon to be clients. Track whatever actionable intelligence you have in the system. Add these new contacts to the appropriate mailing lists and groups so that they start receiving your targeted marketing materials.

If you were not setting up marketing campaigns in your CRM system before reading this article, I hope that you now see the error in your ways! The most powerful CRM systems, such as Deltek Vision, allow us to provide our entire firm with the data we gain from these events – do so, and maybe next time you are trying to get the expense approved to attend a conference, you won’t have such a hard time convincing your supervisor!


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