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A Professional Services Firm’s Guide to Making Conferences Meaningful

Posted by Evan Creech-Pritchett on May 09, 2024

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Conferences are more than just gatherings of like-minded professionals; they are opportunities for growth, networking, and strategic advancement. However, navigating them can be a bit daunting without a clear strategy in place. Let’s talk about some key concepts that will help your professional services firm on the way to mastering the art of impactful conference strategies.

Reframe Your Thinking About Conference Selection

Choosing the right conferences to attend is extremely important for maximizing your professional services firm’s time and resources. It is important to focus on more than just the prestige or popularity of an event; consider factors such as the relevance of topics covered, the caliber of speakers and attendees, and the potential for creating meaningful connections.

Moreover, you should consider the location and timing of the conference. Make sure that it fits well with your schedule and provides convenient access to travel arrangements. By reframing your thinking to prioritize quality over quantity, you can ensure that each conference you attend offers genuine value and opportunities for growth.

Discover How to Be Methodical and Objective in Your Approach

Approaching conference selection with a methodical and objective mindset can help streamline your professional services firm’s decision-making process. Start by clearly defining your goals and objectives for attending conferences. For example, are you expanding your professional network, gaining industry insights, or showcasing your expertise?

Next, conduct thorough research on upcoming conferences, evaluating factors such as agenda, speaker lineup, past attendee reviews, and cost-effectiveness. You should consider creating a checklist or rating system to objectively assess each conference's suitability based on your criteria. This allows for a more organized and informed selection process. By taking a systematic approach, you can identify the conferences that align best with your objectives and priorities.

Learn How to Be Mindful of Any Emotional Biases Influencing Your Decisions

It's essential to be mindful of any emotional biases that may influence your professional services firm’s conference selection process. Whether it's the fear of missing out on a popular event or because you’ve always attended, emotions can cloud judgment. Practice self-awareness and introspection to identify any biases at play like confirmation bias or sunk cost fallacy.

Furthermore, you should seek feedback from trusted colleagues or mentors. This helps to gain different perspectives and mitigate the impact of personal biases on your decision-making process. By approaching conference selection with a clear and rational mindset, you can make more informed choices that align with your firm’s professional goals.

Tips to Optimize Your Conference Strategy

Once your professional services firm has selected the conferences to attend, it's time to optimize your overall strategy to maximize your experience and outcomes. Start by creating a detailed itinerary, including sessions, networking opportunities, and any additional events or meetings. Leverage social media platforms such as LinkedIn to connect with fellow attendees and speakers before the conference. This will help facilitate meaningful interactions and collaborations.

Also, consider attending workshops or interactive sessions that offer hands-on learning experiences and opportunities to develop your skills. These activities will enhance the value you derive from the conference. During the conference, prioritize quality over quantity when networking, focusing on building genuine connections rather than collecting business cards.

Don’t Forget Your Follow Up Strategy

Finally, don't forget the importance of post-conference follow-up. One effective strategy is to have dedicated individuals responsible for follow-up tasks, so that no potential leads slip through the cracks. Whether it's sending personalized emails, brochures, or scheduling follow-up meetings, prompt and tailored communication can leave a lasting impression on your contacts.

You should also consider leveraging tools or systems to streamline the follow-up process. Scanning business cards or badges at conferences allows for the inputting of contact information directly into your database, and it is a very efficient way to track connections. By prioritizing follow-up efforts and utilizing available resources, you can maximize the return on investment from attending conferences.

Make Your Professional Services Firm’s Conferences Meaningful

Mastering impactful conference strategies requires a combination of strategic thinking, mindfulness, and proactive planning. Reframe your professional services firm’s approach to conference selection, adopt a methodical mindset, and be mindful of emotional biases; you can then optimize your overall strategy and make the most of your conference experiences.

Remember to prioritize quality over quantity and focus on building genuine connections. Furthermore, always follow up with your connections post-event. With these strategies in place, you'll be well-equipped to navigate the conference landscape with confidence and purpose.

Need a deeper dive into making your conferences count? We’ve got a LinkedIn Live with a conference guru that brings all these points and more together. Click below to watch today!

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Client Connections: Create Unique Client Experiences

Posted by Kim Stamps on March 21, 2024

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As an employee or leader of a professional services firm, you are aware of the importance of maintaining a strong relationship with your clients. For project-based industries like architecture and engineering, communicating with clients throughout the project lifecycle enables you to meet their requirements and expectations more efficiently. However, the process of communicating effectively is not always straightforward.

Have you ever encountered a situation where you were uncertain about your client’s satisfaction level? For example, you solicited feedback and received an ambiguous response:

“Hi Janet, how are you? How do you feel about the project’s progress?”  

“Uhhh, it’s okay?” 

What does “okay” imply? That is not very informative. How can you ensure that you are engaging clients and obtaining honest feedback from them? Do you have a systematic method of gathering and analyzing feedback?  A consistent feedback process to help you stay connected with your clients throughout the project’s duration is essential.  

Identify Issues Before They Worsen

The key to being successful with project management is to identify the problems before they worsen or become irreparable. This is where consistent and frequent feedback plays a crucial role in the process. While it is certainly important to get feedback at the project’s end, it is even more significant to obtain feedback at every phase of the project during its lifecycle to prevent issues that are not fixable.

Here are some examples of scenarios when feedback is postponed until the project’s end, and it is too late to do anything:   

Example 1:

“Hi Janet, I hope you are well. I just wanted to follow up with you and see how we performed on our project. I am sending you a survey to complete and share your opinions.”  

“Well, I am upset that I didn’t get a personal email to let me know about each change. I realize that you sent one to the group, but it hurt my feelings that I didn’t get one sent just to me. I will never collaborate with you again.”  

“Wow, Janet, I was unaware that you felt that way. What can I do to remedy it now?”  

“It is too late to remedy it now.” 

Example 2:

“Hi Matt, I have really enjoyed working with you to complete this project. I just wanted to check in with you to see how we performed on our project. I am sending you a survey to complete and share your opinions.” 

“While I felt that your team did a thorough job addressing our needs, I have been very unhappy with the large amount of emails and correspondence. One email to our team with each change is enough to keep us all in the loop and aware of what is happening but to get so many extra emails personally has been way too much. The time spent reading and responding to you is ridiculous.” 

“Wow, Matt, I was unaware that you felt that way. What can I do to remedy it now?” 

“It is too late to remedy it now.” 

Seeing these examples of what can happen if you wait until the end of the project for feedback emphasizes the need to remain connected with the clients throughout the process. It is imperative to frequently gauge if you are meeting the client’s expectations because each client, and even each person on the project, has different preferences and objectives. By requesting feedback throughout the project, you can better adjust to their expectations, build a strong relationship with your client, and achieve positive feedback at the project’s end.  

Client Feedback Tool and its Benefits

So, how do you go about getting this consistent feedback throughout the project lifecycle so you can ensure your projects are running successfully and meeting client expectations? The solution for you is the Client Feedback Tool. There are many benefits of having a systematic client feedback process that allows you to deliver client-centric services. 

Systematic Client Feedback Process:

The term “systematic” implies a well-organized and structured approach. When it comes to gathering feedback from clients, having a systematic process in place is crucial. This process ensures that you can collect valuable insights consistently and efficiently. Let’s delve deeper into some key aspects of this approach: 

  • Client-Centric Focus: The primary purpose of obtaining feedback is to understand your clients better. It’s essential to shift the focus away from yourself and direct it toward the client. By doing so, you can tailor your services to meet their specific needs and expectations. 
  • Speed and Ease: Feedback collection should be swift and hassle-free. Clients lead busy lives, and dedicating excessive time to providing feedback isn’t practical. This streamlined process ensures that clients can share their thoughts in under two minutes. This efficiency demonstrates your commitment to respecting their time. 
  • Fear of Negative Feedback: Feeling apprehensive about receiving negative feedback is natural. However, let’s reframe this perspective. The feedback isn’t a personal critique; it’s about evaluating your service delivery and processes. By separating yourselves from the feedback, you can objectively analyze areas for improvement. 
  • Process-Centric Questions: The questions posed during feedback collection are intentionally process-specific. They address aspects related to service quality, communication, and overall client experience. Remember, it’s not about you—it’s about ensuring that your processes align with client expectations. 

Client-Centric Service Delivery:

A systematic feedback process revolves around client-centricity, efficiency, and a constructive mindset. By embracing this approach, you can enhance your services and build stronger relationships with your clients. Let’s explore the concept of client-centric service delivery in more detail.

As a professional, your goal is to exceed client expectations. Here’s how you achieve this: 

  • Understanding Client Needs: Rather than assuming what clients want, you actively seek their input. This feedback process allows you to gain insights into their preferences, pain points, and desired outcomes. By aligning your services with their needs, you enhance overall satisfaction. 
  • Process Evaluation: Your focus extends beyond individual interactions. You evaluate the entire service delivery process. Are your communication channels effective? Is your response time satisfactory? These process-oriented questions guide your improvements. 
  • Feedback ≠ Personal Critique: It’s essential to recognize that feedback isn’t a judgment of your abilities. Instead, it’s a tool for continuous enhancement. By depersonalizing feedback, you create a safe space for clients to express their thoughts openly. 
  • Client Expectations: Ultimately, your success hinges on meeting client expectations. Whether it’s timely project completion, transparent communication, or exceptional service quality, your processes must align with what clients anticipate. 

Embrace Client-Centricity with the Client Feedback Tool

In a nutshell, using the systematic feedback process of the Client Feedback Tool, your professional services firm will be able to embrace client-centricity wholeheartedly. Utilizing this approach in gauging customer needs and expectations underscores a commitment to understanding, evaluating, and improving processes to consistently deliver outstanding service experiences. Remember, it’s all about connecting with clients, ensuring their overall satisfaction, and developing relationships that continue down the road for years to come.


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