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Data Imports: No IT Required for Deltek Vantagepoint Users

Posted by Charlene Kerr on October 06, 2021

Data entry can be tedious and prone to errors. Convincing IT to upload data into software can be tricky, difficult, and hazardous to your health. Luckily for Deltek Vantagepoint users, there a better option: Data Imports. Found on the menu under Utilities, the Data Import function offers users an easy-to-use interface that can import a large amount of Hub or transactional data with ease, while maintaining the Vantagepoint business rules for data entry.

Man pointing at data import

Helpful for New Deltek Vantagepoint Clients

For new Deltek Vantagepoint clients, the Data Import module offers a simple method for uploading information from previous systems, regardless of its origin. Switching from FoxPro, Oracle, or using another system that allows the export of data into an Excel or CSV file? It can be uploaded into Vantagepoint.

Has your accounting information in one system and project information in another? No problem. Data Imports are structured so that general ledger detail and table information are uploaded separately. With just a little knowledge about the software configuration of Vantagepoint, preparing data files for import is relatively simple and requires little to no training.

Beneficial for Existing Deltek Vantagepoint Clients

Existing Deltek Vantagepoint customers can also use the data import process to add new data to their current Vantagepoint instance. Using the Data Import module, a firm can modify existing information in hub. One example of this would be when adding new functionality that was previously unused. If the data exists in an Excel file, it can easily be used to update existing hub fields with new information. Vantagepoint will also verify that the data in either type of upload follow existing business rules using a validation procedure and will not import data that does not follow the rules.

Transactional data can also be uploaded into Vantagepoint via the Data Import module. Many Vantagepoint clients use outside applications to gather information that must then be uploaded in order to post in Vantagepoint. Some clients have subconsultants that use different systems for gathering time or expense information that must be captured in their Vantagepoint system. Rather than having to do manual data entry, a CSV file can be used to upload the information using Data Imports. As with each Data Import, Vantagepoint checks to make sure that the data does not break any business rules prior to uploading the data into the Transaction Center, where users can post the data.

Need to Know Info About Deltek Vantagepoint Data Import

Regardless of whether it is new data being uploaded or existing records need amending, the process is basically the same. However, at this time the data import functionality is split between Vantagepoint’s web app and the desktop app. They will eventually be combined, as Deltek intends to do with all of Vantagepoint’s functions. But for now, users will need to know where to go for each type of import. The web app currently supports importing for Employees and Employee-related tables, Clients, Contacts, Generic Resources, and lists. All other imports, such as Projects, General Ledger and transactional data, can be imported via the desktop application.

Once the appropriate type data import is identified, the data need to be aligned with Vantagepoint’s data. The data mapping will need to be done prior to the system validating the data. Once the fields that need to be mapped have been identified, they will need to be matched with corresponding data in the import file. Then select “Import” and Vantagepoint performs the validation procedures. Any errors will be reported in a file and will not be imported. The import data can be validated as many times as necessary to make sure that the new data being imported into the Vantagepoint instance are good.

Import Data with Ease

Data Import in the Vantagepoint application does not require an extensive knowledge of databases or programming. It is, however, something that takes a little practice, and a little more perseverance. Full Sail Partners recommends that practicing on a test database when learning how to use the import feature. And for another level of comfort, Full Sail Partners is happy to provide training on how to master this unique and valuable tool.

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