Full Sail Partners Blog

New Year’s Resolutions for Accountants and Project Managers

New Year's Resolutions With the New Year approaching, it is a fitting time for accountants and project managers to review the previous year and identify areas of improvement. While we usually think of New Year’s resolutions for our personal lives, there can also be professional ones. Let’s take a look at some of them.

New Year's Resolution for Accountants

For accountants, it’s all about preparing for next year and making changes that streamline and automate processes. Here are the top five resolutions for accountants:

  1. Examine the current revenue/earning methods and determine if the firm is in compliance with FASB 606
  2. Take a hard look at the organizational structure to determine if changes need to be made
  3. Clean-up the firm’s chart of accounts and overhead projects
  4. Define the differences between a project administrator and a project controls role
  5. Try to learn more about challenges the accounting team experiences and create solutions

New Year’s Resolutions for Project Managers

Project managers must consider how to evaluate the success of projects and how to better manage them. Here are the top five resolutions for project managers:

  1. Use the tools within the project management system to better budget and plan projects
  2. Elevate the level of project review beyond invoicing to earned value
  3. Better record and manage change orders
  4. Build a work breakdown structure based on fee and scope
  5. Encourage the team and peers to be timely in submitting time and expense

Start 2018 Off Right!

The New Year brings fresh opportunity to improve a firm’s operations and efficiency. Accountants and project managers must first take time to determine what areas need adjustment or refinement. Full Sail Partners can help! Let us conduct a Navigational Analysis to pinpoint those areas and start 2018 off right. 

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