Full Sail Partners Blog | Sarah Gonnella (4)

Posts by Sarah Gonnella:

Deltek Vision How-To Series: List View

Posted by Sarah Gonnella on December 09, 2015

03_List_View.jpgDid you know in Deltek Vision you can view multiple records at one time through a list view? The list view was a featured added in version 7 allowing you the ability to group, filter, organize and quickly export a list. The List View is listed at the top of any Info Center’s top navigation allowing you to view multiple records.

Be sure to check out our video demonstrating all of the features of Deltek Vision's List View.



Introducing the Deltek Vision Constant Contact Connector

Posted by Sarah Gonnella on November 19, 2015

constant-contact-share-logo-1.gifIntroducing the Deltek Vision Constant Contact Connector! Full Sail Partners unveiled a new breed of Deltek Vision connectivity at the Deltek Insight Conference.These ready-to-go solutions included an integration to Constant Contact. This cutting edge technology allows firms to integrate to Constant Contact at a fraction of the development time and cost needed to build out a similar solution from scratch. Any Deltek Vision user can utilize this solution no matter if they are in the cloud or on-premise. 

When developing the solution, our own team was challenged by the manual process we had to go through on almost a weekly basis and heard of many other Deltek Vision users faced with the same challenge. During the development of the solution the Full Sail Partners team sought to: 

  • Allow users to utilize the existing Marketing Campaign functionality to associate contacts and leads
  • Eliminate the manual push of contact and lead data to Constant Contact
  • Provide visibility and searching capabilities to unsubscribe, open, clicks, forwards and bounce data in Vision
  • Report on single email lists in one Marketing Campaign for all email mailings or single mailings, i.e. newsletters
  • Weed out duplicates and poorly formatted email addresses prior to mailings 

We invite you to view our video to learn more about our Deltek Vision Constant Contact Connector. Additionally, Full Sail Partners has partnered with Constant Contact to also offer new Constant Contact clients a discount off your subscription. Happy marketing!   

Interested in Connecting Your Deltek Vision System to the Outside World?

Want to learn more about this new breed of API connection tool that can be used on-premise and in the cloud? Full Sail Partners the first and only solution provider to bring you applications that can immediately connect to your Deltek Vision product with little to no effort from your IT department. Start doing more with your Deltek Vision system!

Blackbox Connector


Ignoring Client Retention Can Impact Profits

Posted by Sarah Gonnella on October 07, 2015

client centricAre you responsible for handling client complaints? As an Owner of a firm, I know that figuring out a way to proactively identify issues before they become bigger is a key concern for most executives. The Society for Marketing Professional Services (SMPS) conducted research on this topic and found that the average business never hears from 96% of unhappy clients. Businesses dedicate money to attracting new clients each year, yet a key area that is overlooked is developing a client retention plan. 

How Do You Calculate Client Retention Rates?

It seems like almost every firm I speak with in the AEC industry states their client retention rate is 80%. However, is that a good or bad rate? Let’s breakdown some definitions: 

  • Attrition rate is the percentage of clients you have lost over a given period
  • Retention rate is the percentage of clients you have retained over a given period 

So if your client retention rate is 80% then that means your attrition rate is 20%, no matter how many new clients you obtain. Here is how to calculate client retention rates

Client Retention Rate = ((CE-CN)/CS)) x 100 

Clients End (CE) = Number of clients at END of period

Clients New (CN) = Number of NEW clients acquired during period

Clients Start (CS) = Number of clients at START of period

Client Retention Impacts Profits

When you take into account that SMPS reports it takes six to seven times more effort to obtain a new client than retain an existing client. It would seem that focusing on client retention would be a no brainer. Yet does your firm even have a plan for client retention and do you track it? 

A study by Bain & Company shows that even a five percent increase in client retention can lead to an increase in profits of between 25 and 95 percent. Let’s do the math. Envision the following is true for your firm: 

  • Your firm makes $2M a year
  • Has a profit of 10% or $200,000 at the end of the year
  • Has 50 clients at the beginning of the year
  • Has a 80% client retention rate (kept 40 clients) at the end of the year

So, let’s say that our goal is to increase client retention to 85%. By increasing your client retention by 5% you could increase your profits to $250,000 (13%) or $390,000 (20%). Have you connected the dots? Profits increase because you are spending less time trying to win new clients and more time making sure you are managing the expectations of your existing clients. 

Why Clients Leave and How to Prevent It

So now that we know why it’s important, let’s understand more about why clients leave. SMPS found that 68% of clients leave firms because of an attitude of indifference toward the client by some employee and only 9% leave for competitive reasons, which most firms think is the cause. Yet as previously pointed out most firms don’t even know there is an issue. 

The obvious answer to resolve this challenge is talk to the client and obtain feedback periodically, yet few firms do it and fewer do it consistently well. Understanding what motivates clients and how to make your services relevant to them is fundamental to building strong client relationships. Obtaining feedback is important for executives and marketing to monitor, but the key way to ensure the relationship is strong is to provide a systematic way, like the Client Feedback Tool, for Project Managers to know when to reach out throughout the lifecycle of the project. Not just at the end. 

Benefits of Feedback

Successful companies know the critical importance of reaching out to their clients for feedback and service firms that ARE monitoring client feedback are: 

  • Differentiating themselves
  • Gaining great insight to better serve their clients
  • Discovering what clients find of value
  • Identifying clients that will pay a premium for their services
  • Increasing profits
  • Improving staff retention
  • and much more

Reach out to us today to find out more about monitoring feedback and developing a client retention plan for your firm.

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Deltek Releases New User-Friend Vision iAccess for Mobile Users

Posted by Sarah Gonnella on August 27, 2015

Deltek_iAccess.pngIn June Deltek announced iAccess. So what is iAccess? Deltek’s iAccess is a new, user-friendly interface that gives front office employees access to Deltek Vision information on-the-go. Users can access information from anywhere, anytime and the new interface is specifically built for tablets and mobile devices. 

I recently went on a trip and didn’t have internet access to my laptop, but I had cellular service on my iPad. I found the new interface a life saver as I needed to quickly access client data. Portions of the new feature may look familiar because iAccess was formerly called Navigator, but has received new and improved capabilities. It now also includes CRM related information. Best of all iAccess is free for all users. The Business Development component does require a CRM license. 

The new interface now provides users the ability to access three critical areas of Vision: 

  • Employee Workspace: View, create and submit timesheets anywhere, anytime an employee has internet access. Provides a simplified way to manage and submit expenses with the ability to upload receipts from any mobile device.
  • Project Management Workspace: Plan, manage, monitor and execute project in a centralized, easy-to-use tool. Quickly and simply view key project metrics and view alerts and warnings when projects are at risk.  
  • Business Development Workspace: Manage clients, contacts and opportunities on-the-go. Business Development teams can review, add and update critical client data and add touchpoints after client meetings or calls.

iaccess employees

iaccess project management

iaccess business development

iaccess business development2

As you can see, the tool is really intuitive and the sleek new interface provides a more modern look and feel. Vision iAccess does have to be set-up by your IT staff just like the Deltek Touch products. Users must have remote access capabilities. For more information, be sure to download the product sheet or view Full Sail Partners’ iAccess webinar. 


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9 Deadly Sins Owners of Consulting Firms Make

Posted by Sarah Gonnella on July 30, 2015

Deadly Sins, Consulting FirmThe other day I was having a discussion with a client about the challenges of owning a consulting firm. It’s funny how these types of conversations force you to reflect on your own experiences. I quickly realized I made some mistakes along the way as all business owners do when they first start out. I’ve also been witness to mistakes by other consulting firms that have reached out to us for help. From these past experiences, I have identified 9 deadly sins owners of consulting firms should avoid.

  1. Not Staying True to the Purpose – When you started the firm you had a purpose, your mission, vision and principles. Don’t lose sight of how you became a successful consulting firm, even through the tough times. It’s important to diversify and be innovative, but it must always fit what you stand for. When you leave your core business, you also lose your core loyal clients.
  2. Failing to Innovate – When firms fail to see the changing tealeaves and adapt to their client demands and the competitive landscape, the business can become stagnant and may even die out. Innovation opens your firm up to the next big success. Ideas may fail, but continually innovating and adapting will keep a consulting firm growing.
  3. Not Planning for Growth – Alan Lakein said, “Failing to plan is planning to fail.” This couldn’t be more true when it comes to thinking about how you will grow your firm. The demise of any consulting firm is hoping to stay where it is and not planning for future growth. Change is constant and you can rest assure that your competitors are looking at ways to grow their staff, revenue and client base.
  4. Misunderstanding Profitability – You would think this would be a no brainer for consulting firms, but you would be surprised at the excuses made by Project Managers and Owners about why the profit number is declining. Most consulting firms watch profitability for the company, but are you watching the profit on each project? Even worse is when you make the same mistake with the next project. It’s important to take those lessons learned and circle them back to the proposal process.
  5. Not Tracking Cash Flow – Firms that do understand profit often forget that it is only half the problem. Clients that do not pay can derail the best profit and growth program and impact cash flow. Having a consistent feedback program with clients can decrease payment issues. By constantly collecting client perceptions about the service delivery, firms can quickly resolve issues and reduce the firm’s payment issues.
  6. Misguided or Lacking Process Improvement – Processes deteriorate over time for all kinds of reasons, including addition of new technology, employee turnover, and cutting expenses or resources. Periodically reviewing your processes - whether technological or how staff approach clients or issues - keep staff trained and technology up-to-date. Technology that allows for automatic workflows is an easy way to improve efficiency, decrease redundancy and create consistency. Keep in mind that pursuing too many process improvements at one-time can also be detrimental to the goal. Process improvement must be clearly defined, have an internal champion and sometimes done in stages.
  7. Treating BD as a Part-Time Lover – For smaller firms especially, business development can be a challenge to juggle getting the business and doing the work. However, if your firm isn’t constantly selling to existing and new clients, your sales pipeline will eventually run dry. Setting goals and monitoring those goals through a CRM system, for example, can provide visibility to ensure business development is consistent.
  8. Ineffective Risk Assessment – The moment we start a business we run into unpredictability and risks every day. Sometimes leaders don’t even know there is a risk issue. Understanding the risks facing your company – from professional liability issues to growing into a new market – allows you to minimize the risk while still being able to “take a chance”.
  9. Improper Planning of Disasters - Failure Happens! However, many firms don’t realize until it’s too late that they don’t have an effective backup and recovery solution for their database, email, and network. Even if your firm has a back-up method in place, many times it can’t be deployed quickly. The scary stat is that 60% of all firms that lose their data will close in 6 months. Instituting a Disaster Recovery System that allows for redundant offsite storage and system restoration within a 36-hour period can greatly reduce the chances of complete loss.

Ask yourself, if your consulting firm is committing any of these deadly sins? If so, what can you do about it? Albert Einstein is quoted as saying, “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”  It would be insane to keep repeating any of these deadly sins.  


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7 Ways to Overcome Obstacles

Posted by Sarah Gonnella on June 24, 2015

overcoming challengesToday I felt compelled to speak to those that are struggling in the world. Whether it is your career, your home life or your past; we all have gone through hardship in our lives at some point and almost on a daily basis we have to overcome obstacles. What I’ve found is that everyone reacts differently during difficult times. Some better than others. Ultimately the choice you face is yours alone to make. That choice may be hard and something you don’t want to face it. Having the hard conversation or facing reality is nothing anyone wants to do. We must realize that ultimately the decision typically is made for you or by you.

Let’s face it, shit happens! You can turn it into a learning lesson, an opportunity or you can gripe about it and keep doing what you are doing. This is true in business and in our home life. Only you can change your circumstances. You hold the key to your happiness and success…no one else. The bigger challenge is picking your battles. My parents always asked me, in the big scheme of things does it really matter? Sometimes you just have to let things slide. Other times, the issue needs to be tackled quickly so it doesn’t become a bigger problem. There is a fine line and let’s face it, we all struggle from time to time with hard decisions.

However, when faced with challenges in your life, here are 7 tips I’ve learned to overcome obstacles:    

  1. Don’t complain. People don’t want to hear woe is me over and over again, especially if you do nothing about it. However, do ask for help and for suggestions from others that may have been in similar situations. You have to be willing to help yourself. People can’t do it for you.
  2. Face it head on. Don’t beat around the bush. If you are having an issue, do something about it. Burying it does nothing but eat away at you. Don’t know what to do? Seek counseling. Many companies provide free counseling services as a part of your HR package. Try something. If that doesn’t work, try something else. Do anything but the same thing that previously didn’t work.
  3. Stay positive. When you are worried about something it’s hard to stay positive, but think about the good things that could come from the difficult decision you have to make or the hard conversation you have to have.
  4. Be realistic. Realize you may not get the outcome you want, but rather we sometimes get what we need. Do you have some growing to do before you get what you want? Sometimes the timing isn’t right because there is something better and we just need to be patient.
  5. Don’t try to out-do people. When someone expresses that they are struggling, don’t come back with, “You think that’s hard… let me tell you my story.” Everyone has had something hard in their life. It’s fine to let them know you can relate, but be helpful with your comments and stories.
  6. Emotional side. When dealing with others, we sometimes forget that there is more than just the logical side. Most people make decisions because of emotions whether they believe it or not. Past experiences or fears can play a part. Sometimes in order to remove the obstacle you have to digger deeper into the real reasons for objections and overcome that issue first.
  7. Break it down. Always keep in mind the end objective. Sometimes the bigger obstacle has smaller obstacles to overcome. When thinking about challenges, break them down and tackle them in smaller pieces. 

As a bonus eighth way to overcome obstacles, we have to remember that communication is the key to tackling any challenge. I’ve found asking questions is the best way to start. When a challenge involves others, we must first take the time to probe and understand their position. In business, it is best to have formal processes to overcome obstacles during projects or the sales cycle. Let us know what tips you have on tackling obstacles and be sure to check out our whitepaper to learn how your firm can improve communication with your clients.     


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The Future of Marketing for Professional Services Firms

Posted by Sarah Gonnella on April 23, 2015

building marketing1 300x249 (1)Have you ever thought about all the information a firm collects on a daily basis? Think about it, every department is collecting information all the time. More importantly, information collected impacts your firm’s strategy and directly correlates to how successful you are at winning and retaining business. So what should your firm be doing with all of this information? The following five concepts answer this question and are the future of marketing for professional services firms. 

1.    Multiple Marketer Personality (MMP) I disagree with the philosophy that being a jack of all trades is a bad thing. In today's world of marketing, your career depends on the fact that you must juggle multiple tasks at one time and that you can quickly grasp concepts that you may know nothing about. This complex role of the marketer requires us to have a disease called Multiple Marketer Personality (MMP).

How can you tell if you have MMP? One way to tell is your role requires you to understand, decipher and extract data. One of our past articles talks more about this specific requirement that identifies someone who is equally passionate about marketing and savvy with technology to become the Marketing Technologist. Other key symptoms indicative of MMP are understanding how HR, finance and operations impact marketing. Understanding strength and weakness of employee talents, how communication occurs between client and employee, and the ROI of marketing are critical to establishing a firm’s growth plan. A marketing strategy becomes a pipe dream, instead of a realistic strategy, without a good grasp of these areas.

2.    ‘Necessity is the Mother of Invention’ Says Your iPhoneMobile is no longer what will happen, it is happening. Having mobile access will no longer be a nice to have, but a necessity. We actually collect and share an infinite amount of information on mobile devices and the cloud is changing the way we conduct business. Can you submit expense receipts or document a new opportunity with a client in real-time on your phone? More and more of our life is on a mobile device and computers are not always available. If your firm is not able to access information on-the-go, you will fall behind your competition. To learn more about mobile CRM, read “Mobile CRM: A Day in the Life of a Business Developer.

3.    Fusion of Data ToolsWhat do you get when you have visibility into your entire organization? Inquiring professional service minds would wish to know. Marketing data is so spread out between Client Relationship Management (CRM) systems, website forms, email systems, accounting systems, project management system, etc. that having one place to report is nearly impossible. Moving into the future, firms need to make a conscious effort to connect these autonomous information systems. Marketing automation + ERP integration is the future. Marketing automation tools connect inbound marketing, outbound marketing emails, social scheduling, SEO and lead nurturing. Where ERP connects all business functions, from your Finance, Management Accounting, Project Management, Client Relationship Management (CRM), Human Resources, Inventory and Purchasing. Each can be very powerful alone, but together they become a powerhouse.

4.    Gathering Feedback that Impact Your Client 65% of a company's business is from existing customers. This means that a happy client equals future revenue, but do you really know what your clients think of your firm? You should and you can. Client feedback tools are changing the way professional services firms manage their clients. Other industries have called them, Voice of the Customer (VOC), Client Experience Management (CEM), and Enterprise Feedback Management (EFM). But professional services firms have different needs and research has found that only 5% of them utilize a customer/client feedback system. Firms no longer have to wait until the end of a project to know that their client is unsatisfied. With client feedback tools, quick two-minute surveys are sent to clients during the life-cycle of the project. This allows your firm to proactively manage your client's expectations by knowing what makes the client happy and also identify things they would like to see changed. As addressed in this blog, “Using Project Feedback to Increase Profitability,” feedback is the key to stopping profitability loss during a project. 

5.    Sharing Firm Knowledge with Social Collaboration ToolsAre you working with a team and still sending out group emails? Stop! Social media changed how we communicate in our private life and it has changed how we communicate in business. Business collaboration tools are designed to ensure that teams work more effectively. No longer do you need to send a group email and worry that you left someone off. Business collaboration tools allow team members to share project related information on one site. They can also be integrated with other business tools, such as ERP and CRM systems, and Outlook. Since business collaboration tools are designed to be user-friendly, they are easy to implement and people are more likely use them. Additionally, business collaboration tools are not just for internal communication, but can also be shared with the client. Interested in how your firm can start utilizing social collaboration, this blog further highlighting the “5 Key Reasons Why Business Collaboration Tools are the Future.

The future of marketing for professional services firms is based on the way we collect, share and use information. Is your firm taking the right steps to get ahead of the competition? Connect with us to discuss more about the future of your firm. 
*photo credit: http://www.business2community.com/ 


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What Will Happen to Deltek Vision with Spartan, Microsoft’s New Browser?

Posted by Sarah Gonnella on March 30, 2015

spartanYou may have already asked the question or may be wondering, what will happen to Deltek Vision with the new announcement of Spartan?  For those that don’t know, Microsoft announced that the Windows 10 operating system will debut an entirely new web browser, code-named Spartan. Many IT savvy clients have already been asking the question, what does this mean for Deltek Vision? Will Deltek Vision still work? The short answer is, “Yes.” 

Microsoft made the following statement, “Project Spartan is Microsoft’s next generation browser, built just for Windows 10. We will continue to make Internet Explorer available with Windows 10 for enterprises and other customers who require legacy browser support.” Additionally, Kyle Pflug, program manager for Spartan, wrote in a blog post, “Based on strong feedback from our Windows Insiders and customers, today we're announcing that on Windows 10, Project Spartan will host our new engine exclusively. Internet Explorer 11 will remain fundamentally unchanged from Windows 8.1, continuing to host the legacy engine exclusively." He added, “Enterprises that adopt Windows 10 will be able to set IE11 as the OS's default browser using group policy settings”. 

Internet Explorer is a staple performer and Microsoft will continue to support it for years. Microsoft has promised to support the browser with security updates for at least the next eight years or through January 2023. So rest assured that Internet Explorer will still exist and therefore Deltek Vision will still work. 

With that being said, Deltek has already been looking at ways for firms to connect to Vision without Internet Explorer to become more system agnostic. New features that can run on any web browser include, the new project manager portal (Navigator) and an upcoming CRM portal. Additionally, Deltek product developers are looking at ways to further minimalize reliance on Internet Explorer with future releases. 

For those firms that need to connect to Deltek Vision from a MAC or any tablet or phone today, there is Vision Unleashed. This solution allows your firm to access your Deltek Vision data anywhere with almost any device. Additionally, a 30-day FREE provisional test period is available. 

Bottom line: 

  1. Firms already have options already available to you to access your Deltek Vision data without Internet Explorer
  2. Internet Explorer isn’t going away any time soon
  3. Deltek is committed to the Vision product 

Should you have any questions regarding this or any other technical questions, we encourage you to reach out to your Deltek Partner.


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11 P’s for Peak Performance of a 'Perfect Employee'

Posted by Sarah Gonnella on March 19, 2015

PERFECTIONOur modern day culture is often obsessed with perfection. Magazine covers are graced by photoshopped professional models and our TV screens are filled with successful eclectics whose wealth is their biggest problem.

Fortunately, perfection is not an attainable goal; the real goal is the path we follow as we strive for peak performance which is the essence of a 'perfect employee'.

It was Vince Lombardi that said, “Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.” Considering that the NFL Super Bowl trophy is named after Vince Lombardi, you could say he knew a thing or two about peak performance…

So, what qualities help us along this path to being the ‘perfect employee’? 

What are the 11 P's of Peak Performance?

If obtaining peak performance is our professional goal, then, what exactly are the attributes that we need to be the 'perfect employee'?  Following is the list of benchmark qualities you should strive for on your path:

1. Proficient. Sure, you can’t have all the answers but you know how to dive in or connect with the right people to figure them out. You come to the table with suggestions - not more problems. You are constantly looking at how to improve the process.

2. Proud. You are proud of your work because your efforts are always well thought out, tested and reviewed. You don't rely on others to finish your assignments but ask others to quality check your work to make sure it is always correct.

3. Persistent. We all know to learn from mistakes, but the 'perfect employee' personifies this concept. You admit when you are wrong sooner than later. If you don't know how to do something, you find out how … with no excuses.

4. Passionate. You LOVE what you do and radiate emotion when you talk about your work!  You learn on your own, offer improvements, and share with others what you know.

5. Productive. Your willingness to push up your sleeves and work overtime while not jeopardizing other commitments is renowned. While we all have parts of our jobs that are not favorable, 'perfect employees' realize the goal of those less desirable tasks and get them done.

6. Positive. You exemplify “Can Do!” by accepting that you can always improve, you see challenges as opportunities, and you think about how things can be done instead of complaining about what you can't change (including the past).

7. Professional. You understand that while comradery is important with co-workers and clients, there is a fine line between “fun” and unprofessional “fooling around.” You make sure your work is top notch and your comments will not ever be construed as childish or offensive.

8. Able to keep Promises. You are always thinking about priorities and when the job will be completed in order to deliver in order to keep your promise. You communicate when a conflict arises but still look to deliver on time. You are faithful about deadlines and rarely provide excuses.

9. Punctual. You understand the value of time, yours as well as others. People think “punctual” is your middle name.

10. Able to Promote … others and yourself. You promote great deeds and great work regardless of who completed it. You are always thinking and talking about ways to make the workplace a better environment for your colleagues and services better for clients.

11. Purposeful. Each day has a purpose. You take each day and every action seriously; constantly thinking about what needs to be accomplished and how to generate purposeful results.

HOW to be “perfect” (or close)?

Providing professional services, by nature, means that we are tasked to serve our clients. We often measure billings, schedule delivery and quality of deliverables, yet fail to objectively measure the real goal - driving client delight. Strive to be the 'perfect employee' to your clients by evaluating how to obtain your peak performance and implementing continuous improvement with feedback!


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